• My Life in Yoga with Uma Inder


    As far back as I can remember, Yoga was a part of family life, especially when we visited my grandfather, an adventurer who left the predictability of his life in India for the wilderness of Kenya. My grandfather is renowned for offering his family home as shelter to the followers of Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya. To me, he seemed a fearless, conscientious man. His practice focused on Sun Salutations and lengthy head. . .

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  • Death is a teacher


    “If we are all travelling home on the path of each life’s trajectory, then each passage, each moment is a journey in itself that further equips us to honour the signs that define both the way and the immovable heart of apparent paradox at any point. Every moment counts and all things, whether apparently right or wrong, have a key place when we piece the puzzle.

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  • Heart of Brightness


    As J. Krishnamurti once observed, there exist very few individuals with an irresistible passion for spirit. Very few of us really dedicate ourselves in an uncompromising fashion to whatever it is that calls to us. And when we do attempt to answer the call of spirit, we tend—with good reason—to follow well-trodden paths. We go to universities, seminaries, ashrams, and workshops. What is rare is to leap off…

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  • In the Wild

    THE JAKARTA POST, Indonesia

    “I wanted to tear down all veils, I wanted magic, reality. I was looking for the extraordinary in an enchanted world,” says Umaa of her ascetic decision to live in a Balinese jungle for seven years. For Umaa, a competitive athlete who grew up in Kenya running around the savannas with the Masai, the extraordinary meant the extreme. The Indian yogi first traveled to Bali to study traditional Balinese metalworking, but was soon…

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  • Yoga in Bali


    “I have the good fortune of attending an intensive Laya Yoga session with the phenomenal teacher, Ayurveda practitioner and Tantric Devi that is Umaa Inder; who studied in the Gurukula tradition with her teacher for 14-years: a true embodiment of yoga.

    I would need another article to share with you just some of the magic that Umaa embodies. . . .

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  • The Beautiful Healer Umaa


    “I didn’t necessarily arrive in Bali looking for the kind of transformative experience the island is known for. However when the student is ready, the teacher appears, and though I didn’t know it, you could say I was about ready to meet Umaa. I had already extended my trip to Bali by three days so that I could spend more time in . . .

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  • Aprenden de guru del Yoga


    “Por primera vez en Monterrey una de las mayores influencias dentro de la practica del yoga a nivel mundial visito la ciudad, la guru Umaa Inder estara hasta mediados de septiembre. La directora y maestro senior del sistema Alineacion Sinergica de Tantra, Yoga y Ayurveda, tambien llamado S.A.T.Y.A, esta de visita para impartir el curso de yoga tradicional en Casa Shakti, del dia 3 al 15 del presente mes. . . .

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  • Umaa Inder en Monterrey


    “Considerada como una de las mayores influencias dentro del yoga a nivel mundial, la guru Umaa Inder estuvo en la ciudad compartiendo su conocimiento a traves de una serie de talleres de yoga traditional. Estos fueron impartidos en Casa Shakti, casa de yoga en San Pedro que fue fundada en el ano 2000. Fue precisamente la Directora de este centro, Claudia Gonzalez, la encargada de invitar a Umaa a la ciudad. . . .

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